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Discover Fun Facts About the Princess Bride Movie Classic
Welcome to Throwback Paradise, where nostalgia reigns supreme! Today, we’re diving into the beloved 1987 cult classic The Princess Bride. This enchanting adventure has everything: true love, sword fights, Rodents of Unusual Size (ROUS), and some seriously quotable lines. But did you know there’s more to the movie than meets the Cliffs of Insanity? Here are some fun, silly, and downright surprising facts about The Princess Bride. SHOP NOW Shop our collection at Throwback Paradise 1. Cary Elwes Broke His Toe... and Kept Acting Like a True Hero During filming, Cary Elwes (Westley) broke his toe while messing around on set with André the Giant’s ATV. Instead of slowing down, he powered through, even filming scenes like his epic battle with Inigo Montoya. Talk about dedication to "As you wish"! 2. André the Giant’s Power Breakfast Was Legendary André the Giant, who played Fezzik, was larger than life in every way. His breakfast reportedly included 16 eggs, multiple steaks, and a gallon of liquor! Cast and crew recall he could drink over 100 beers in one sitting. No wonder he could carry the whole team... literally! 3. Mandy Patinkin Took the Sword Fighting Very Seriously Mandy Patinkin (Inigo Montoya) trained intensely for his sword fights. He and Cary Elwes performed all the swordplay themselves (except for one acrobatic flip). Patinkin has admitted that landing his iconic revenge line against Count Rugen ("You killed my father. Prepare to die!") remains one of the most satisfying moments of his career. 4. Billy Crystal Improvised Most of His Lines Billy Crystal, who played the hilariously quirky Miracle Max, improvised many of his lines, making director Rob Reiner laugh so hard he had to leave the set multiple times. Crystal's comedic genius turned a small role into one of the film's funniest moments. 5. The ROUS Were Real (Sort Of) Remember the Rodents of Unusual Size? Those weren’t just puppets—they were actors in giant rat suits! The most famous ROUS performer was a guy named Danny Blackner, who once got stuck in costume after falling into a mud pit. Talk about method acting! 6. Robin Wright’s Chill Approach to Danger Robin Wright (Buttercup) stayed remarkably calm while filming some intense scenes, including the one where she gets pushed into the Eel-infested waters. Despite the fake eels looking pretty creepy, she kept her cool like a true princess. 7. Wallace Shawn Was Terrified of Being Recast Wallace Shawn (Vizzini) believed he was wrong for the part and thought he’d be fired at any moment. He even claimed he performed extra hard to avoid getting replaced. Luckily, no one else could have captured Vizzini's unique blend of arrogance and panic. 8. The Princess Bride Wasn’t a Hit... At First Hard to believe, but The Princess Bride didn’t blow up at the box office when it was first released. It was only after hitting home video that it became a beloved classic. Clearly, destiny had its own timeline for this fairy tale adventure. 9. A Real-Life Fairytale Moment Cary Elwes and Robin Wright’s chemistry was so real that many fans wondered if they were dating in real life (they weren’t). Elwes even confessed he couldn’t help but fall a little in love with Wright while filming. Who could blame him? 10. It’s Still Making Fans Smile After All These Years Even after more than three decades, The Princess Bride remains a cherished classic. Its blend of romance, adventure, and comedy has captured hearts worldwide. If you haven’t rewatched it in a while, consider this your magical reminder. And remember, “Death cannot stop true love... it can only delay it for a while.” Final Thought:The Princess Bride is more than just a movie—it’s a love story wrapped in a fairy tale inside an epic adventure. Whether you're quoting lines, rewatching favorite scenes, or imagining yourself scaling the Cliffs of Insanity, this film will always be, well... inconceivable! Stay tuned for more throwback magic here on Throwback Paradise! And remember... never go in against a Sicilian when SEO is on the line! 😉
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